Ursi ursi
Long ago, the bears had a leader. A goddess. Mother Bear. There was only ever one mother bear. She looks like a bear, but had wings of an eagle and she was bigger than a normal bear. She is able to use magic and has the ability to shapeshift, especially into her human form. Her strengths are healing magic, super strength and speed, her wings, and shapeshifting. Her weaknesses are loud noises, flashing lights, and she is gullible. This creature went extinct when she fell in love with a human. She ended up trying to fit in with the humans, but her identity was revealed and soon she was betrayed, even by her lover. The humans believed if they sacrificed and ate the Mother Bear, they would obtain her divine powers. She used her last breath to call all the bears. The bears in the forest slaughtered all of the villagers. All the men and women were dead, only the mothers and the children were allowed to live. Mother Bear hates men. Eventually, she will be reincarnated, only when the time is right.