Chaste ewe
Ovis pudicitia
Chaste Ewe began walking the earth 6,000 years ago, manifested by the struggles of women of the time. It exists today and will exist until women don’t have to hide from the world to be acceptable. It is quite plentiful, and they can tend to group up if possible in their environments. This animal is the only one of its kind; there are no variations. Due to human environmental intervention, it prefers grassy lands, but it can survive anywhere, often in suburbs or cities. Chaste Ewe is an omnivore that prefers grass, however, it has scavenging tendencies to get by. It tends to live to 80-90 years old, mimicking that of the human life span. This particular model represents this creature in adolescence. I first discovered this creature on the outskirts of a large city, struggling to find food and close to death. It has to hide from the world to stay safe, though it just wants to coexist with the rest of the world without fear. It coward away from me, but it seems my being a woman brought comfort and allowed me to help it.