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Honey Bunny

Mel Egestas


When did your creature walk this earth? It is unknown when the creature first originated, but early records trace sightings back to as early as the late 15th century
Is your creature extinct or alive today? The creature is very elusive but is still known to be alive today
If your creature is extinct, what happened?
Is your creature rare or plentiful? The creature is believed to be very plentiful, but sightings are rare
Is this the only example of this animal known to humans? No, this animal has slightly different iterations across many cultures
What was/is the habitat of your creature? What is its diet? How long is its lifespan? These creatures are known to reside deep within lush forests, they eat flowers and other plants that produce pollen and nectar, the lifespan is unknown, but is believed to be between 100 and 150 years
Does your design represent a baby, juvenile, or adult? Etc. My design represents an adult
Are there any interesting facts that you would like the viewer to know about your creature? This creature creates a type of honey that can soothe illnesses and anxieties
Was this particular specimen discovered by (your name here) at (location) on (date)? Yes, I discovered this particular specimen outside my UCA apartment on October 26, 2024
Do you have a personal account you can share of meeting the creature? One evening after I got back from class I saw a creature huddled beneath the stairs that lead up to my apartment I walked over and was able to pick up the creature and bring her inside as she was sick, she quickly settled in and made herself a little spot under my bed with the stuffed animals I had down there. I did some googling and discovered that she needed flowers to eat so I got her some to help her feel better. Once she had gotten better she made me some honey and cuddled with me as thanks before I let her back outside so she could go on her way.
What is the physical size of the creature? They are on par with giant hares, typically anywhere between 2.5 to 4 feet long and weighing between 15 and 22 pounds


AE Polk

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